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  • Reviews from people who have actually stayed at the Venice Residence

    Reviews from people who have actually stayed at the Venice Residence

  • Reviews from people who have actually stayed at the Venice Residence

    Reviews from people who have actually stayed at the Venice Residence

  • Reviews from people who have actually stayed at the Venice Residence

    Reviews from people who have actually stayed at the Venice Residence

  • We have not personally stayed in this residence but we have booked about fifteen apartments for guests for our wedding. We have viewed the apartments and they are impeccable, clean and modern, all our guests have been very satisfied with the residence. Not to mention the kindness and helpfulness of the staff! Angela, Luisa and Renzo have always been available and ready to find solutions when we have had problems at the last second ... Residence Venice is really recommended!
  • Reviews from people who have actually stayed at the Venice Residence

    Reviews from people who have actually stayed at the Venice Residence

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      +39 0422 70 39 86
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      +39 329 05 07 821
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    • Indirizzo
      Via Pascoli, 2
      Quarto d'Altino (VE)

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